Saturday 10 August 2013

     'Human is social animal'.....yeah that's what we learned in first few lessons of history class. Etymology of the 'human' follows a latin word meaning married creatures bound to earth. With hundreds of miles open to habitation humans stiIl tend to build their houses close to each other. Civilization which evolves through this process is based on the foundation of human bondings other than blood. Topsy-turvy,words perfectly depicting the lifetime of human-being. Despite this there are some moments at which we feel..."aah.....this is the moment worth living for...". And most of these or should I say all of these are accompanied by few other humans whom we delineate as 'besties'. It is said that youth is true essence of life and the time which bestows lot of memories that can be cherished forever.....

        Memories are those moments which bring tears and smile at the same time.......the combination so rare....These are not defined by plush ambience in which you were  but by people in your company...They may have taken place in a small hut or under the open sky. As the old  people say...we have come with nothing and we are going to take nothing with us....I think this needs a small amendment we have come with nothing but we surely are going to take handful of things with us.........moment turned memories....that we recollect as we progress from 'cradle to grave'!!!!!!!!!!